The "Regenerating Together" programme, with its global regenerative framework, should benefit both farmers and corporations. It fosters industry alignment on how to assess sustainability risks, define goals, measure progress, and drive change towards regenerating soil health. Ensuring that farmers receive unified signals from all parties is vital for the transition to regenerative agriculture on a larger scale.
Soil Capital CEO, Chuck de Liedekerke, acknowledges that “this convergence of industry players is essential and we particularly welcome that the framework is aiming for outcome driven metrics, which leaves the farmer in control of implementing the most appropriate means for their farm. At Soil Capital we have put farmers first since the beginning as they are the only ones who are deciding how to evolve their practices.”
SAI Platform defines regenerative agriculture as:
“an outcome-based farming approach that protects and improves soil health, biodiversity, climate, and water resources while supporting farming business development.”
Soil Capital is already able to measure and verify at least 40-50% of the outcome metrics proposed by SAI in Regenerating Together based on our existing work across more than 1,000 farms in France, Belgium and in the UK. These metrics cover the climate, water and biodiversity impacts of regenerative agriculture.
Soil Capital already runs a programme that certifies the climate outcomes of broader adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. By monitoring in detail the farming practices implemented on an annual basis, we are able to make the links to wider co-benefits of these practices like reducing soil erosion, improving the biological health of farmland soils and improving water management in the landscape. Soil Capital stands ready to work with SAI and its members on the implementation of its valuable framework.
Informez-vous sur la manière dont votre entreprise peut investir dans la transition régénératrice.
Rejoignez les agriculteurs qui améliorent la santé des sols et qui sont récompensés pour cela.
Informez-vous sur la manière dont votre entreprise peut investir dans la transition régénératrice.