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November 13, 2024

Webinar: Decoding new EU AgFood policies for Scope 3 programmes

This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of recent European regulatory shifts affecting the agri-food sector, particularly in relation to sustainability and corporate responsibility.
November 13, 2024
, by
Soil Capital
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The 6 Harvests webinar series delves into the critical strategies for scaling regenerative agriculture programmes to meet net-zero goals. Join industry leaders from the AgFood & Beverage sector at the forefront of the Regen Ag transition as they share insights on reducing land-based emissions and enhancing supply chain resilience.

Episode 1: Decoding New EU AgFood Policies for Scope 3 Programs

In our first session, we’ll be joined by policy makers shaping the agfood landscape at the EU level. This episode will help you understand the complexities of evolving regulations and their direct impact on your Scope 3 emissions strategies.

As an AgFood & Beverage company, the conversation will help you answer your most pressing questions:

• What are the primary goals of the new EU agfood regulations?
• How will these policies drive the transition to a net-zero agfood sector?
• As an ag food corporate, what are the critical deadlines and regulatory risks I should have in mind?
• How do these changes affect our Scope 3 roadmap?
• What potential challenges should we anticipate, and how can we proactively address them?
• What are the best practices for initiating or accelerating regenerative agriculture programs in light of the new regulations.


➡️ Valeria Forlin Adjointe, Head of Unit for Land Use at DG CLIMA (European Commission)

➡️ Léna Girard, Manager, Agriculture & Economic Affairs at FoodDrinkEurope

➡️ Delphine de Brogniez, Director of EU Strategy at Regrow Ag

➡️ Andrew Voysey, Chief Impact Officer at Soil Capital

Event details:

📆 Wednesday, 13th November

🕦 11:00 CET  |  10:00 GMT

🗣 English

🌐 Online

💰 Gratuit

Résumé des Questions-Réponses:

How will the CRCF account for different farming types, climates, and landscapes across the EU? Is it a one-size-fits-all approach, or will there be room for national authorities or local datasets (e.g., models) to enhance the integrity of certificates?

There isn’t a single model that works universally across Europe. Models must be calibrated to suit specific soil and climate conditions. To address this, a set of criteria has been established to ensure the quality of both the models and the sampling approaches used. These criteria must be clearly defined and validated, providing a reliable framework for certification schemes. The next step will involve determining who will oversee the validation process.

For retailers or processors reporting under the CSRD, does this include negative impacts like biodiversity loss and water use from farmers? In other words, does it cover Scope 3 emissions?

Oui, les émissions Scope 3 comprennent, par définition, les émissions des fournisseurs ainsi que l'impact des produits sur les consommateurs. Cela signifie que les impacts sur le terrain, tels que la perte de biodiversité et l'utilisation de l'eau, doivent être intégrés dans les rapports. Bien que cette exigence soit difficile à satisfaire, elle est obligatoire.

The CSRD addresses negative impacts with the aim of promoting active disclosure. Over time, improved performance in reducing these impacts is expected to be rewarded through market mechanisms, such as recognition from investors and other stakeholders.

Do the new EU Scope 3 emission policies include measures to prevent carbon leakage by companies operating both inside and outside the EU, who might shift production abroad to avoid compliance?

Il n'existe actuellement aucune politique spécifique visant à réduire les émissions Scope 3 ; la discussion en est encore au stade exploratoire. Toutefois, si de telles politiques étaient mises en œuvre, il faudrait s'attaquer au problème des fuites de carbone. Dans le passé, dans le cadre du Système Communautaire d’Echange de Quotas d’Emission (SCEQE), des quotas gratuits ont été accordés à des secteurs particulièrement exposés aux effets du commerce. Cette approche est progressivement abandonnée avec l'introduction du mécanisme d'ajustement carbone aux frontières (MACF).

The European Commission is also examining policies such as an Agricultural ETS and other tools. Maintaining global competitiveness is a key consideration as these options are developed.

Lorsque nous parlons d'émissions Scope 3 , comment définir les "émissions à l'intérieur de la chaîne de valeur" ? La limite doit-elle s'étendre au-delà des émissions in situ ?

The CRCF methodology aims to address both direct and indirect effects, such as indirect land-use change. Setting the boundary is complex and can vary—whether focusing on the crop level under carbon farming or regenerative practices, or extending to the entire farm level, including non-agricultural land managed by the farmer. Each option has different implications, and expert consultation is ongoing to evaluate these boundaries.

The methodology, which will be published within a year, could serve as an initial standard to clarify these definitions.

Les réglementations actuelles fournissent très peu d'indications sur les émissions de Scope 3 , ce qui laisse une lacune importante dans la prise en compte globale de ces émissions. Des questions similaires sont examinées dans les forums sur le secteur volontaire. Le GHG Protocol Guidance est en train de revoir les limites du champ d'application, avec des indications selon lesquelles la définition pourrait s'étendre au-delà du champ lui-même. Les orientations finales du document d'orientation sur le secteur des terres et les absorptions (LSRG) du GHG Protocol sont attendues dans les mois à venir.

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